Alcatraz - Snorri Hallgrímsson REWORK

Crédit : Vincent Muller Artworks

Alcatraz est probablement ma pièce préférée de l’album. J’ai approché la composition de manière très instinctive, sans réfléchir deux fois. L’idée était de créer un désordre qui tranquillement se concrétise pour arriver à un climax. Dans les premières esquisses d’Albatross, je me suis rendu en Islande pour travailler avec Snorri. Il a été un judicieux conseiller créatif pour la conception de l’album, il était donc évident qu’il y puisse participer à sa manière avec ce rework. J’adore ce qu’il a fait, c’est très personnel et il a bien ciblé l’intention de la pièce.

-Simon Leoza

Alcatraz is probably my favorite piece on my album. I approached the composition in a very instinctive way, without thinking twice. The idea was to create a mess that slowly builds to a controlled climax. In the early sketches of Albatross, I went to Iceland to work with Snorri. He was a wise creative advisor for the conception of the album, so it was obvious that he could have his take with this rework. I love what he has done, it's very personal and he has really captured the intention of the piece.

 -Simon Leoza

“To me, Simon Leoza’s Alcatraz is chaos — in the best way possible. The gorgeous ricochet string arpeggios combined with multiple piano layers, woodwinds, synths, and beats make Alcatraz such a unique piece. My goal was to somehow have more control over all of these elements, while still adding to the size and scope. In my own writing I tend to have a fairly rigid and minimalistic approach, so combining that with Simon’s beautifully controlled chaos was a really enjoyable challenge.”

-Snorri Hallgrímsson